Stopping war. Capitalist solution to a capitalist problem.
Let’s just boycott the governments and armies.
What are you fighting for, NATO? Even if Russia would decide to come (which I don’t think they would), but EVEN IF, what would they do?
They don’t even have enough people to live in Russia. You think they want to send thousands to colonize your countries?
They might want to take some profits from the trade between the countries, but from a millennial perspective- who cares? Most of our money goes to taxes and living expenses anyway, so I really don’t care.
Maybe if they would like to commit a genocide and kill all the humans.. but why would they? Are they Israel that just wants the land? It makes no sense and benefits no one… well, no one except
companies producing army equipment, their lobbyists and politicians that were bribed by them.
How about just civil disobedience and soldiers just not killing people? Consumer boycott. Instead we need an army boycott though.
The people on the other side of the barricade are just people as well and all these conflicts are solvable without bloodshed.
I just hope people in the army weren’t brainwashed to a point of no return. Trust me, fighting for this irrational cause will only get you PTSD, if not killed.
Let’s just get our shit together and be better. As humans, not sheep.