Relativity of facts. How certain are you of things you know for sure?

Alicja in Internet
3 min readApr 13, 2021


3 things I learned from Quantum Physics and its history.

I get really annoyed when someone keeps saying: “Show me the scientific research otherwise your opinion doesn’t matter”. There are thousands of institutes, scientists and results that are often contrary and you can find confirmation for basically everything nowadays. Basic examples. you can scientifically confirm that:

  • salt has a bad/good effect on your health
  • being lazy is good/bad for you
  • sauna is good/bad for your health
  • vaccines (don’t) cause autism (yeah, there is a research for that too!)

What I believe in now is that it’s ALL RELATIVE. Like EVERYTHING. Things might be true to a large part of society, but they’re never true for everyone.

Let’s say someone vomited heavily after taking specific medicine, while 99% of other people tested didn’t have any reaction at all. It’s unfair to generalize that this medicine doesn’t have an effect, because who knows maybe you are this 1 in a 100 that will suffer. The fact that the majority of the test group in anything had some particular effect, unfortunately, doesn’t mean that you will too. There is a probability that you will, but never a certainty.

Well, you can say that something is 100% true for you. For example, I have an allergic reaction to nuts and every time I eat them, I get a rash. That is true for me and to some extent, it might be true for many, but it’s never an ultimate truth.

Or even in general:

  • People have 4 limbs. Not true. Some people have less.
  • People eat with their mouths. Not true. Some people are fed by tubes.
  • Smoking causes cancer. Not true. There are individuals who are smoking for decades and are healthy.

My interest in psychology has recently led me to read a book called “Quantum Mind. The edge between physics and psychology.” written by Arnold Mindell. Reading it made me interested in Quantum Physics.

I found more information about it — read Feinman’s book, watched some YouTube videos and even found a tutor that helped me understand more less what are the prerogatives and promises of quantum physics.

There are some interesting things I learned about science but also about human nature, as the history of quantum theory is also closely connected to the way our society works.

I also want to share a huge hypothesis that is not proven but made me think about countless possibilities of how our universe might actually work.

  1. There is no certainty.

2. An observer has an influence on the experiment effect.

3. People having breakthrough theories are not accepted and treated as crazy.

This one is more sociological than scientific, but it’s still very valid. You might think that after Copernicus, Tesla, etc society learned their lessons not to dismiss people with different approaches towards science, but no. Unfortunately not.

Everything is made of quarks. Ourselves, objects around us, nature, it’s all made of these tiny particles that are impossible to describe or predict. If that’s what we are made of, why are we are expecting to not be under the influence of the same principles as the quarks are?

I’m not a scientist. I’m not a sorcerer. I’m just a person that is curious about our world and how it works and I do believe that science can only describe some part of our reality so far. Maybe it will be able to cover more, maybe not, but I do believe it’s important to understand it’s limitations before we announce it as the ultimate truth.

Have a great day/night!



Alicja in Internet
Alicja in Internet

Written by Alicja in Internet

playing with things, growing & working with people 🫶🏼 I write about philosophy, psychology, economy and sometimes other random things.

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