I don’t know how you can make thousands from writing online
Overcoming writer’s block
There are a few things that caused my writer’s block:
- AI. Why bother? All this content generated by AI that is flooding every portal is truly making me doubt if there is any value at all of creating new texts. Of putting things out there. It feels like burying a gold chip in the Grand Canyon.
- Commercialisation. Or, in my case, lack of it. As shallow as it is, seeing all the articles people share here — ‘ how I’ve made x000 dollars/month by writing online’ made me feel like a failure. People can get successful so fast, yet I can’t seem to have a breakthrough.
- Chase for what might pop off. I never really went all the way there, but I did wonder — should I make this article longer? Should I add some photo for visibility? What photo would get more clicks? etc. I have even generated some graphics in AI, because I thought they would convey the story better.
I’m already overthinking it. It the list format too 2012? Maybe plain text would be better…?
- Better for who?
- For the reader, dummy. They might think my insights are not interesting. Or that they were written by AI.
- Yeah, but they weren’t.
- Yeah. I don’t think it even matters though.
4. No real traction. I write. I like doing it. It helps me to structure my thoughts. I decide to share it, aaaaand when I’m down I feel like it’s useless unless somebody reads it. And often nobody reads it.
I guess that’s my list. 4 main things that made me stop writing. So now let’s go to the solutions.
- Isn’t structuring it like this actually making you sounds like AI? Pointed out problem, pointed out solutions?
- Yeah, maybe… Yeah. It probably does.
- Then maybe you should change it?
- You know what? No. If someone thinks it’s AI, let them think it’s AI. We can write a disclaimer at the bottom saying ‘not written with AI’.
- Yeah, it’s pretentious and doesn’t make anyone believe it’s true.
- Ok, I’m not changing it though.
So, as I said, solutions:
Ad. 1, 3, 4. I’m just going to keep writing for me. When I’m not being creative I just become a mindless zombie, following others and consuming content. I don’t want to be that person. I would rather do things that no one ever sees, but actually creating and growing as a person, than just give up on life. Because my life is a creation in every aspect and that’s what makes it beautiful. Also, no more forced AI graphics to please the algorithm.
Ad. 2. I actually have a job that I like and that pays me well. I don’t need to make money from my writing. It would be nice, sure, but that’s not my main goal with this. That’s why I’m also now sharing all my texts without the paywall. If anyone wants to read it, you’re welcome. And eventually, when I feel like spending more time on a computer than I already do, I will start a blog and just put all this stuff on my own blog, as there isn’t much of value of me being on Medium, except the fact that it’s very easy to use and requires nothing.
It sounds pretty solid in my head, so let’s see.