Alicja in Internet
Alicja in Internet

I'm Alicja.

I come from Poland, lived in US and did the "digital nomad" thing for 3 years. This got me to Mexico, where I found love and stayed 🫶🏼

On Medium, I share my thoughts on philosophy, psychology, economy and other random things.

Sometimes I make TikToks and publish things on Instagram. The links are here:

What's following is a copy paste of another creator. I need to create something similar, but don't feel like it now and I really don't want to lose it.

Thank you for reading my thoughts!

You may subscribe to my content to get an email when I publish new stories if you’d like to continue the conversation. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Together, we can cultivate and grow a community of people pondering how our everyday experiences can help us envision and create a just and joyful future for all.

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Alicja in Internet

Alicja in Internet

playing with things, growing & working with people 🫶🏼 I write about philosophy, psychology, economy and sometimes other random things.